Thin Veils
Thin Veils is the perliminary title of my first ever book! Goal of completion by end of 2022!

So I wait and I try; I confess all my crimes
Busy, busy, busy. This has been my life for the last 3 months. Between work, home, and personal projects, I’m wearing thin. The bad part is that the second I start removing things from my plate, my mind starts to wonder and then it’s just better to over-occupy myself....

#Project150 is the weight loss project i started on June 1st of 2022! Follow along as i try to drop 150 lbs and more!

So I wait and I try; I confess all my crimes
Busy, busy, busy. This has been my life for the last 3 months. Between work, home, and personal projects, I’m wearing thin. The bad part is that the second I start removing things from my plate, my mind starts to wonder and then it’s just better to over-occupy myself....

Working at revamping the bnichols.me website, which includes a new logo and layout design!

So I wait and I try; I confess all my crimes
Busy, busy, busy. This has been my life for the last 3 months. Between work, home, and personal projects, I’m wearing thin. The bad part is that the second I start removing things from my plate, my mind starts to wonder and then it’s just better to over-occupy myself....