A Storied Begining

by | Oct 9, 2019 | Other | 0 comments

For almost 20 years, I’ve been building an entire world in my head. It started as a conversation with my wife on the phone when we were only 20 years old. It was a theory about the lost city of Atlantis. A theory that my brain never let go of. A seed was planted and it grew. The more books I read, the more movies I watched, and the more entertainment I took in, the bigger and more complex the ideas flowed.

One day I tried writing some of my ideas. I received a lot of criticism, but also, a lot of positive feedback. Enough positive feedback that it sparked more ideas. I would spend several years starting and stopping writing on several of them. In the last 8 years I’ve started keeping notes, building timelines, and writing ideas for this world.

Last year, I wrote my first short story, with intentions of submitting it to a writing competition, but missed out on the deadline because I wasn’t paying attention to the Time zone that the entries needed to be turned in by. It gave me a lot of confidence. It’s a deeply personal story that I hope to post someday, but may still find a competition to submit it too.

In all honesty, I have 3 actual book series outlined out. One as an epic fantasy, one as a young adult series, and one as an urban fantasy in the vain of Jim Butcher’s Dresden series. Other than absolute fear of ridicule and humiliation, one of my biggest road blocks has been trying to figure a way to introduce and explain the world.

Enter Wattpad. I’ve been a Wattpad user for awhile on a personal account that I used to read short stories that some of my favorite authors write, as well as discovering new authors and learn more about writing. Starting November first, I’ll be posting a chapter a week to novella style story that I’ve come up with as a way to introduce the world I’ve created. It’ll layout the major ideas that I would love people to understand going into anything I may write in the future, without having to try and be like Tolkien and write an entire pre-encyclopedia to my world.

A cool thing about Wattpad is allows people to read and comment and critique to each post. As I go, I may go back and make small edits and changes to chapters, as my writing evolves. With November also being the start of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month), I am creating a goal for myself. It’s an extremely small goal, but for someone who is putting themselves out there for the first time ever, and also a very busy person, it’ll hopefully help me build confidence.

My goal is to write 5000 total words for the month. That’s 1250 Words a week. My goal is one chapter every week, with hopes that I’ll be able to write, edit, and write more than that as I go on. I’ll post updates on Twitter and Facebook every time I post a chapter, and encourage people to give me all the feedback. There’s a comments section to reply to each post, or you can message me privately.

The first chapter is almost done, and I’m using it as motivation. The project currently has a title of Think Veils, but that is in no way a final title. The more I wrap my head around it as I write, the clearer picture I’ll get for a final title. If you want to follow me on Wattpad, my username is …. Wait for it…… psaprez (I know, shocker, right?)

SO I thank anyone and everyone who partakes with me on this journey. I’m looking forward to the outcomes.