It’s Tuesday…

It’s Tuesday…

..You know what that means. It’s another day to get up, try and prove myself to those around me, and then go to bed and do it again. It also means the time we have on earth is short, and anyone who knows where I got the post title from, knows just how true that really...
Projects for the New Year

Projects for the New Year

I have a lot of projects I want to accomplish this year. I already mentioned writing something every day, and while I am technically writing this on the same day as yesterdays post, I wanted to get this out of the way sooner than later. I’ll still write something...
2019 Goals

2019 Goals

Siting down at a small coffee shop yesterday after a game of catch with several awesome people (more on that in the coming days), I sat and talked with a friend of mine from twitter names Ethan Bryan. During our talk, he asked what my goals were for the coming year....
My Next 30 years

My Next 30 years

I’ll do my best to not bore you with clichés of growing older and wiser. I’m not sure I’ve ever been wise, and the more I grow old, the more I feel that’s the god’s honest truth and not me being modest. Every not and then, though, you have to sit back and realize that...
1 Fish, 2 Fish: My Saturday Night FIght

1 Fish, 2 Fish: My Saturday Night FIght

It’s 3 AM, and I will openly apologize to anyone who reads this, as it will be unedited. My posts are usually filtered through my wife where she tells me where I’ve been an idiot. Not this one. Proceed with caution. The biggest misconception about depression, is that...
Moving On: My Christmas Tradition

Moving On: My Christmas Tradition

I remember when Christmas changed for me. It was 1992 while living in Visalia, California. My parents had been separated off and on through the year, and I had my first interaction with death, as both of my father’s parents had died, Pa in February, and Granny in...